Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Beware Black Friday!—Act NOW to Profit & Protect!; Forecasts

One Key Sector will likely have a Significant Crash Leg on Friday, and we expect others to Spike Up. The typically Thin Trading on Friday provides Opportunities for the Opportunistic.
See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Beware Black Friday!—Act NOW to Profit & Protect!; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.
Regarding Key Sectors not “ending well”, see Note 1.

Regarding the latest “Mania,” see Note 2.

Regarding Cartel Intervention & Deepcaster’s November 2017 Letter, see Note 3.

Regarding a Billionaire Investor’s Market Analysis & BUY RECO Opportunity as well as Deepcaster’s Hi-Yield (appx 10%) BUY RECO, see Note 4.

Regarding recent Profits Taken, see Note 5, including most recently 55% on a Mobile Media Company and 90% on a P M Royalty Streaming Company.

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Best Regards,

November 21, 2017

Note 1: See the Sectors for which “it” doesn’t End Well in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “‘This Doesn’t End Well’—SocGen; Act NOW to Profit & Protect!; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 2: Manias (Think “Tulip Mania”) are Maturing in Key Sectors (especially The Non-M “Cs”). Deepcaster identifies those Sectors and describes the Spectacular Profit and Loss Potential and the effects on other Sectors, in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Manias Maturing—Spectacular Profit or Loss Potential; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 3:  "Governments love [the war on cash]. Then they can control you...”
Billionaire Investor Jim Rogers

But to understand how the Economy and Markets got to this dangerous pass, and how to Profit and Protect, we must first understand The Fed-led Cartel and their multi-year history of Market Intervention read Deepcaster’s latest Letter, “Profit, Protection, Despite Cartel Interventions—November 2017 Update” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 4: Yes, Indeed. Opportunity Knocks NOW! A Billionaire Investor’s Market Analysis was recently summarized as “Investors better snap up these…”

To read more about these investment opportunities and the BUY RECO, see our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “OPPORTUNITY—‘Investors Better Snap Up These…’; BUY RECO; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Also: Deepcaster is recommending a Hi-Yielder with approximately 10% yield and a much higher Potential Total Return and which is also relatively insulated from Economic, Geopolitical and Political Shocks.

Ideal, in our view, for current circumstances, and prospects. Learn more in Deepcaster’s Alert, Hi-Yield BUY RECO Appx 10%; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2017 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under 'SUBSCRIBER LOGIN'
·         55% Profit on a Mobile Media Company after less than 7 months on November 10, 2017 (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
·         90% Profit on a P M Royalty Streaming Company on October 5, 2017 after just 52 months, (i.e., about 20% Annualized)
·         33% Profit on Independent Holding Company on August 30, 2017 after just 4 months (i.e., about 100% Annualized)
·         85% Profit on P.M. ETF on August 1, 2017 after just 15 months (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
·         60% Profit on Short $US Position on July 31, 2017 after just 30 days (i.e., about 730% Annualized)
·         90% Profit on a Long Bond position on April 12, 2017 after just 42 days (i.e., about 860% Annualized)
·         105% Profit on P.M. ETF on February 21, 2017 after just 10 months (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
·         90% Profit on Gold Shares ETF on January 20, 2017 after just 9 months (i.e., about 150% Annualized)
·         55% Profit on P.M. Streaming Company on January 12, 2017 after just 16 days (i.e., about 1255% Annualized)

Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2016 and 2015 included such successes as 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance.

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