Monday, January 8, 2018

Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains in 2018


Key Sector Bubbles Bursting and Mega-Moves Up in Others are our forecast for 2018—and we expect the Bursting and Mega-Spikes UP to begin very soon. (See our latest Alert for Specific Sector Forecasts).

The election of Donald Trump as President and then the December, 2017 passage of the Tax Reform Bill jacked up Market Sentiment to Bullish and then more Bullish and U.S. Equities Markets roared to record highs throughout 2017.

Now what? Expect much more Volatility in 2018. Consider what investors are to do to Maximize Real Gains, and avoid losses in 2018, in Deepcaster’s January Letter, “Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains in 2018,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on

Regarding Key Sector Spikes Up and Crashes in others, see Note 1.

Regarding Profit Opportunities from Bubbles, see Note 2.

For analysis of the confluence of Signals indicating Major Moves, see Note 3.

Regarding the continuing “Mania,” and potential for Great Losses and Great Profits, see Note 4.

Regarding recent Profits Taken, see Note 5, including most recently 115% on a Lithium Mining Company.

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Best Regards,

January 8, 2018

Note 1: Spikes Up in Key Sectors and Crashes in others are both coming soon. Very Soon, we expect Two Sectors to Spike Up and Two Sectors to Crash.

See our Forecasts to consider these and our new BUY RECO in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Key Sector Spikes Up & Key Sector Crashes; BUY RECO; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on

Note 2:  Several Key Sectors are in Record large Bubble Territory.
Deepcaster examines One Bubble Sector each week until mid-January and indicates how Investors may Profit and Protect Wealth when they Burst.

Our First is on the verge and we expect it to Crash any day now!

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Profiting from Bubble Troubles; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on

Note 3: A Great Confluence of Signals indicates High Probability of Major Moves in Key Sectors in the next very few weeks.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Great Signals Confluence Indicates Mega-Moves Soon; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on

Note 4: Some unwise Investors are leaping at the Tulip Bait, but Wiser Ones are buying the Very Depressed Assets in a Related Sector.

What an Opportunity!

Deepcaster identifies this Opportunity and adds a fourth Mega-Mover in his Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Reject Tulip Bait & Profit; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2017 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under 'SUBSCRIBER LOGIN'
  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 18 months on January 4, 2018 (i.e., about 80% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 16 months on November 29, 2017 (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on a Mobile Media Company after less than 7 months on November 10, 2017 (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a P M Royalty Streaming Company on October 5, 2017 after just 52 months, (i.e., about 20% Annualized)
  • 33% Profit on Independent Holding Company on August 30, 2017 after just 4 months (i.e., about 100% Annualized)
  • 85% Profit on P.M. ETF on August 1, 2017 after just 15 months (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 60% Profit on Short $US Position on July 31, 2017 after just 30 days (i.e., about 730% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Long Bond position on April 12, 2017 after just 42 days (i.e., about 860% Annualized)
  • 105% Profit on P.M. ETF on February 21, 2017 after just 10 months (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on Gold Shares ETF on January 20, 2017 after just 9 months (i.e., about 150% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on P.M. Streaming Company on January 12, 2017 after just 16 days (i.e., about 1255% Annualized)
Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2016 and 2015 included such successes as 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance.

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